Saturday, July 31, 2010

The boulevard is bustlin’...

Some friends and I made a quick trip to the Edinburgh Premium Outlets today. The mall is located just a few minutes outside of Columbus, and  is a simple hop, skip, and jump from my house; so a trip over seemed like the perfect outing when our company and monetary were in low reserve.

Much to my surprise, we were treated to live music! In the middle of the outlet mall complex, a sextet group named Quick Said The Bird was performing outside. Of course...I immediately went crazy.

After but a minute or so, my friends disregarded my fanatic display of joy over discovering a live and free performance, and continued onward to enter the nearby bookstore. However,  I simply HAD to stick around and listened to a few tunes.

The music was predominantly carried by the bass tones of the cello, which was was undoubtedly the loudest instrument on set. However, the vocalist possessed a soft yet passionate quality, in his singing, and his picking that he was easily the lively-hood of the whole set. I was able to gather also a few extremely catchy bass lines from the player in the back.

As I listened, I couldn't help but remember songs by Horse Feathers or some of the more mellow tracks by The Decemberists. They played compositions filled with heavy instrumentation and highly poetic lyrics which one would need much time to truly appreciate. All-in-all it was a wonderful 5 minutes getting to hear them play.

Alas, my friends dragged me away to do other things far too soon, and so I did not get to savor the sweet sounds being produced. Fortunately for me...they're on the internet...and I'll be ordering their EP and album as soon as it comes out. :)

"I get so distracted by some people's reactions that I don't see my own faults for what they are. At times it's so self destructive, with no intent or motive, but behind this emotion, there lies a sensible heart..."

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