Thursday, August 30, 2012

Between heaven and hell, I've got no home...

Well would you look at that. We're already two weeks into the semester and I haven't posted my back to school playlist yet.  I'm getting old folks...losing my mind.

Well without further ado...








"I get so distracted by some people's reactions that I don't see my own faults for what they are. At times it's so self destructive, with no intent or motive, but behind this emotion, there lies a sensible heart..."

We will never sleep as long as everybody sings...

It wasn't until I grew up a bit that I was able to learn things for myself. Even then, I always learned the hard way. Most of the time I would choose the most difficult path to the top, and if you would have asked me, I would have known it. Maybe that's why I always used to feel like I was failing. No matter how hard I would try, everything would always fall apart in front of my eyes.

Then help would always come from the most unlikely of places. I learned that prayer really is answered. I learned that teachers are sometimes lost in the background. I learned that prestige is deceitful. I learned that  Love is faceless. I learned that the night is alive, and can't be controlled. I truly pray that the authority figures in my life don't think me rebellious, but I'm civilly restless.

And still in love with the shadows.

"I get so distracted by some people's reactions that I don't see my own faults for what they are. At times it's so self destructive, with no intent or motive, but behind this emotion, there lies a sensible heart..."

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Cold light above us.

Stuff is messed up. People are messed up. The world is messed up. The funny thing about all of that is, so am I.  I never asked for any of this.

Some people tell me that I've matured, gained some experience. The only thing I feel like I've gained is new weight. I'm afraid to walk down dark streets now. Even worse than the fear, is the apathy. I just have the same old questions that I used to, and I still know each one's answer. There's not much of me left anymore, is there? I would hope not. Some part of me still feels, still hopes, something. Right? I do know one thing. I'm not worthy of it. That's always been true. If I deserved absolution I would still be too oblivious to see it when it looked in my window.

Why do I have the funny feeling like I've been here before? Could the cycle be beginning again?

"I get so distracted by some people's reactions that I don't see my own faults for what they are. At times it's so self destructive, with no intent or motive, but behind this emotion, there lies a sensible heart..."