Saturday, May 15, 2010

Starin' down the stars, jealous of the moon...

At twilight, I strolled outside my abode,
Just to enjoy the night ,
Who should I meet, his tail a-glow,
but a modest firefly?

He spoke to me in tones…ashamed,
And beckoned toward the sky.
There, with a sob, he soon explained,
What had just passed me by.

“ You see that fair light, way up yonder?
And see that ghostly red glow?
‘Tis of my making, I’ll assure you.
‘Tis true of fact. I know!
 For I have gone and done a deed,
No beast, nor man, shall ever forget.
It’s awful, I confess, and you may turn me in,
No creature has committed crimes like these yet!”

“I drank too deep from the long white lilly,
And slept beneath it’s shade.
When I awoke, would should I find,
But the havoc, I had made?
The sky had gone from blue to red,
The breeze was now a gale,
The clouds above were set aflame,
All because of my tail...”

I heard his moaning, and witnessed his tears
Considering his plight,
I even thought of correcting him,
And his deluded sight
But found no words of comfort
No tale of remorse,
I could think of no new parable with which to console
For I myself was also out of sorts.

“I understand you, my insect friend
I cry your tears, and feel your pain.
As you watch your own world burn,
I too have set my life aflame…
I have laughed in the face of my God
and spit upon his face
I have nowhere left to hide,
Not even in this place…”

And so my friend and I,
Wept together, through the night,
Until he dancing stars above
gave birth to morning’s light.
As we watched the bright sun rise,
My tiny friend realized what had been done.
Was so much greater than who he was,
And the tears began to run.

He was innocent of his crimes!
He was the happiest insect, I had ever seen.
His arson had been imagined!
I wish my sins were the same to me…

"I get so distracted by some people's reactions that I don't see my own faults for what they are. At times so self destructive, with no intent or motive, but behind this emotion, there lies a sensible heart..."

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