Thursday, April 7, 2011

Don't follow that yellow brick road...

"And I’ve had it comin’ for a while now
Cuz I’m always looking for a reason to frown
And maybe if you remember why I love you
Then we’ll come to terms and the world will too."

I've had alot of things in my life the past few weeks point me back in the direction that I once thought I was traveling in.  
In reality...i've lost a bit of my original vision...


Joyful living...Here I come...

To celebrate...I made a list of things I like. :P

Here it is...

My sisters
My Parents
My Grandparents
My Aunt & Uncle
My Cousins
Friends who never forget you’re there
Friends who are witty
Friends who are giddy over autotune
Friends who are so sincere that they’re abrasive
Running through the mud barefoot
Big cities at Christmas time.
Cold drinks without ice
The smell after a thunderstorm
The smell of cut grass
Being read to…
Running after dark
Ultimate Frisbee
Catching fireflies
Groves which possess an abundance of fireflies
Pearls Before Swine!
The Big Book of Bunny Suicides
Calvin & Hobbes!
Wading in the river during the summer
Conversations had while sitting in a tree
Closing my eyes and leaning against the wind
Staring at fires which light dark spaces
Bright sunsets
Heavy Rain
Quiet Conversation
Meaningful Conversation
Humorous Conversation
Jelly Beans
People who give me jelly beans
Surprise Visits
The sweat on my brow
The words on this page...
The glimmer in his eyes...
The smile on her face...
The sound of the mandolin
Passionate Music!
New Music!
Clever Lyrics
People who think like this…
My Job
Eating out of bowls
Long, one on one walks
The feeling I get after beasting down homework!
Colourful fish
Being by myself…but not for more than an hour at a time.
Intriguing questions
Cloud patterns at night
Seeing my breath
Grey December nights with heavy wind and blowing snow
Ice sickles
And many more things…I’ll think of later…

"I get so distracted by some people's reactions that I don't see my own faults for what they are. At times it's so self destructive, with no intent or motive, but behind this emotion, there lies a sensible heart..."

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