Thursday, February 17, 2011

This is still unresolved... :P

 me: Cam?
 Cameron: YOU LIKE NEEDTOBREATHE!?!?!??!?!
 me: are you okay?
 Cameron: i THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS!?!?!?!??
 me: is that a problem?
  you don't like needtobreathe?
 me: why not?
  I... put up with twilight, I put up with TFK
12:28 PM me: i happen to think they're great songwriters and have really catchy tunes...I would like an honest, decent, down to earth explanation as to why you despise them?
  and TFK for that matter :P
 me: and DMB
  collecting myself
 me: :P
 Cameron: (or trying)
 me: Laughing*
12:29 PM Cameron: alright
 me: and I don't like twlight that much...
  they were fun when I read them...but I've moved on...
 Cameron: YOU READ ALL OF THEM!?!?!??!?
 me: yeah like...3 years ago.
 Cameron: WHAT!?!?!?!?!?
  HOW... THIS IS...
12:30 PM me: on the suggestion of a fine young lady that I know...
 Cameron: oh.
 me: they were enjoyable...
  back before they were huge...
 Cameron: that is different
  oh well, whatever
 me: anyway
 Cameron:yes, them
  well, to start with, they are terrible
12:31 PM add that to the fact that the guy cannot sing, and you have a disaster
 me: because they're southern rock?
 Cameron: they are not rock
  the are the sou/gospel eqivelent
12:32 PM me: are too...they're just not nu-metal/symphonic/skillet/red type stuff
 Cameron: would you want him to sing an acoustic version of any song they sign?
 me: who Needtobreathe?
 Cameron: yup
12:33 PM me: sure... I'd love to hear a minimal version of "Don't wait for daylight"
 Cameron: (sigh)
  I really thought better of you, Tyler
  one of your talents and experience
 Cameron: should have easily picked out how sad that bad is
 me: no my friend...the kings of leon's new record is bad
 Cameron: and I refuse to click that link
 me: Needtobreathe is not :P
12:34 PM fair enough
  to each his own.
  I stand by Bear Rineheart and his songwriting..
 Cameron: next you will tell me you like taylor swift
 me: come on..
  you like the newsboys
 Cameron: so?
  they are aussies
  they were REAL
 me: I think they're pretty uncreative/corney :P
 Cameron: you see, tyler
12:35 PM everything the newsboys did has been redone. They point is they INVENTED it
  they were first
  they were the best at their time
  they wrote a ton of classic, solid stuff
12:36 PM entertaining angels, million pieces, stay strong,
  if you only are talking about what klove plays of them
  then you are right, though
 me: The Newsboys had influences just like everyone else.
 Cameron: but they were their own
 me: and so is Needtobreathe :P
 Cameron: just like there was nothing like comatose before skillet made it
  now you have fools like
  manic drive
 me: Skillet didn't do the comatose sound first...
 Cameron: trying to mimic them
12:37 PM and yes they did
 me: nooo.
  Epica has been doing that same thing since 1991
 Cameron: not
  they are rock opera
  symphonic rock os totally different
 me: not really..
 Cameron: yes it is
 me: You're arguements are folding back on themselves cam :P
 Cameron: is taylor swift any different from needto breathe?
12:38 PM me: sure
 Cameron: yes, one is country, the other is soul/gospel
 me: Needtobreathe is an alt rock/southern rock band...nothing to do with soul...
 Cameron: but if you listen to their songs next to each other, one night argue that they sound VERY similar
 me: only gospel they've got comes from their southern roots
 Cameron: which is soul haven
12:39 PM me: and they don't...lots of different lyrical content and insturmentation
  Needtobreathe has been comapred to a newage U2
  not taylor swift :P
 Cameron: needtobrethe... like... U2....
 me: name 5 needtobreathe songs you've listened to
  (rolling on the floor
 me: waiting for an answer to your question
 Cameron: um, your question
 me: indeed
 Cameron: and daylight is coming
12:41 PM washed by the water
  perfect? is it called
  no, soemthing beatiful
  and the rest I don't remember their names
  no do I care to
  lousy stuff
12:42 PM me: okay so you've heard two needtobreathe songs...
 Cameron: three
  and more
 me: Credibility to your arguements dropping.....
 Cameron: you can say that if it makes you feel better
 me: I shall
  I did :P
 Cameron: but the only reason you can is because I am on defensive and you are attacking
 me: ha
 Cameron: have it your way
12:43 PM me: he
  you can say that if it makes you feel better
 Cameron: i did
  eat it
 me: well my friend
  I think we're gonna have to disagree on this one...
 Cameron: NTB sucks
 me: seeing as we can't even argue on the same plane
  Fair enough.
  have your way...
 Cameron: like, SUCKS
12:44 PM me: It's stayin on mah ipod :)
 Cameron: I smell victory in the air
 me: which is quite an accomplishment
 Cameron: not anymore, it sin't
  it can hang out with yellowcard, DWP
  all it stinkin wants
12:45 PM screw it
 me: victory is all in the mind of the soldier...however diluted it may be German proverb
 Cameron: "the bear who for sees the trap cannot be caught" russian proverb
12:46 PM me: "The bear who likes honey....underestimates the bees* - Whitedude provberb
 Cameron: "The bear who likes honey....underestimates the bees*" loser proverb
12:47 PM me: opponet is using an ad-hominem logical the entirity of his argumentation
 Cameron: Do not remove a fly from your friends forehead by a hatchet: chinese proverb
 me: let us then examine whom is getting his head cut off :P
 Cameron: dear, diluted tyler, there is no judge, no rule book to save you
  I need no savin
 Cameron: no army of logic, nothing but what you and I jointly accept to be true
12:48 PM me: for you have not triumphed except in your own site
  good thing truth is not deterimed by what we agree upon
 Cameron: and you only in yours, friend
 me: i seek no triumph and therefor free myself from this conversation :P
 Cameron: good truth is something a fallen human is hard pressed to come up with, regardless of the circumstances
 me: tis the thrill of the debate which keeps me here :P
 Cameron: suit yourself
12:49 PM me: I usually do :P
 Cameron: I know
  I usually let you
 me: you're a good friend :)
 Cameron: except for Euker
 me: against this no one can speak
 Cameron: I never let you off in that
  it is my last stand
 me: is okay
  I can't play Euker
 Cameron: you can
 me: i'm bad at card games
 Cameron: I taught you
12:50 PM and card games involve a sort of logic not found in debate clubs, tyler
 me: card games involve probability...not logic...
  there's no persuasion in card games..
12:51 PM Cameron: ah, hahaha, that is where you fail
  for not only is probability wagered
  but also the logic of unearthing the logic behind the other player's movements
 me: that's not logic...
 Cameron: you must see what drives them
  it is not proability
  what is it, oh exalted one?
12:52 PM me: probablity treats all men equality
 Cameron: This does not
 me: # the branch of philosophy that analyzes inference
# reasoned and reasonable judgment; "it made a certain kind of logic"
# the principles that guide reasoning within a given field or situation; "economic logic requires it"; "by the logic of war"
# the system of operations performed by a computer that underlies the machine's representation of logical operations
# a system of reasoning
  yes because it is probablity coupled with skill
 Cameron: ah yes, now he draws from the liberal arts colleges to save him
 me: skill which I don't have :P
12:53 PM Cameron: dear tyler, how many of those professors would make good Euker players?
 me: I dunno I havn't met any of them
  and it's a dictionary
  not a professor
 Cameron: this skill requires logic
  my dear friend
 me: not logic as I am trained in
  it requires acute observation skills
 Cameron: but a distorted form that si applicable to the game
12:54 PM you must realize that every trade is simply learnign a new language
 me: you've got to remember logic's main purpose is for reasoning and persausiong
 Cameron: and once you have altered how you see things, you succeed
  where is that in the bible?
  oh exalted one?
 me: yeah well i've never been one for altering my sight.
 Cameron: I know
12:55 PM :D
 me: it's's simple definitons of english words
 Cameron: neither of us are
 me: which is probably why we get along so welll
 Cameron: english is the ultimate authority of everything?
 me: nooo...but in order to use simple have to understand their meaning
 Cameron: since when, oh exalted one?
 me: Dude
  even you have have got to play within the simple rules of language and it's definition
12:56 PM Cameron: this life is not simple, thus simple word do not give its pieces justice
 me: you can't through ALL authority to the wind..
  then you sir have no grounds upon which you can converse... in any fashion
  for you have discredited language itself
 Cameron: I have one
 me: all you got left is body language :P
 Cameron: what if there was another language that sums it more perfectly?
 me: which language is that?
 Cameron: what if english is lower than the rest?
 me: sign language doesn't count
12:57 PM Cameron: ah, dear tyler
 me: you've discredited the very nature of language as a whole not simply english
  so you lose
 Cameron: (and don't tell a deaf person I said this, but sign language is a take off of english
  you are twisting what I said, oh exalted one
 me: stop calling me exahlted one :P
12:58 PM Cameron: you refered to language as simple, yet you only know of two languages, and as such that is all you made reference to
  I am speaking in a broader sense, such as say the tongue they use in heaven, and its perfection that we humans simply cannot comprehend
12:59 PM me: yes but I still have faith in decreed all language to be inadequate for this life...therefor elimating all possible possibility of conversing ANd keeping your arguements/statements intact
 Cameron: you put your faith in what you only comprehend two of the thousands of its forms?
  dear tyler, why?
  why do you limit your resoning?
1:00 PM me: see by your own words you are continuing to fold back on your previouis statements
  this sir is not a discourse of logic....
  it must first follow limitations...
  if you were a debator....our rouns would be hillarious
 Cameron: I fall back on what I afirmed at the begining, and you consistently assult, oh exalted one
1:01 PM me: and what did you afirm at the beginning oh so consisent one?
 Cameron: it is called "consistentsy"
 me: pardon me
  i'm typing fast
 Cameron: I have no idea, and neither do you
 me: yes I do...
 Cameron: but as far as language goes
  I discredited english
1:02 PM me: you affirmed that you did not like Needtobreathe...and decided toattempt to convince me of my error
 Cameron: and you have afirmed its abilities, twisted what I said about language in general
 me: how we got a good story
 Cameron: dear tyler
 me: then what disagreement regarding language do we still have?
 Cameron: I only attempted to make you realize my disapointment in your tastes
1:03 PM I don't know, you are the assulting force, tyler
 me: you're really good at changing sides in the midst of a disscussion....just a side note :P
1:04 PM You would make an Excellent debator....with some formal training
 Cameron: I said english does not necessarily animate what this world contains, in the context of our discussion of Eucher
 me: You must be the chosen one prophecied
  you'll bring order to CCA and NCFCA
 Cameron: ha. ha. ha.
  no thakn you
  you say what happened to Aniken
1:05 PM and I do not value the debate clubs high enough to die giving them balence
  only certain members of thier teams
 me: tis a shame
  you show
 Cameron: really?
 me: promise
 Cameron: I wonder what would have happened if aniken had so: oh well, I guess I am not a jedi. Later.
1:06 PM you know?
  would have been...
 me: yeah I catch ya
 Cameron: interesting
 me: hey I need to get some work done.... :P
  lovely chatting with you.
 Cameron: me too
 me: Keep up the good work dude
 Cameron: (a fine way to pull out of your defeat, I might add)
 me: facepalm
1:07 PM you're hopeless
 Cameron: (you complement me, on saying I have promise, use work as an excuse to leave, and then say I am hopeless
 me: Goodbye Cameron :)
 Cameron: what the inconsistent one said, yeah
1:08 PM :D:D:D

"I get so distracted by some people's reactions that I don't see my own faults for what they are. At times it's so self destructive, with no intent or motive, but behind this emotion, there lies a sensible heart..."

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